In peace I will both lie down and sleep; for you alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety.
- Psalm 4:8
As far back as I can remember, bedtime was a sacred moment in my family. Each night, my dad would open his childhood Bible and read a story to me and my brother. The illustrations in my dad’s Bible immersed us in the adventure unfolding within the pages.
At a young age, my brother was diagnosed with cerebral palsy and autism. He has always liked routines. So, bedtime quickly became story time. Every night, we would get excited for story time! My brother is 21 now, and he still loves story time before he goes to sleep.
Inviting God to be a part of your bedtime routine is invaluable. There are things I still remember my dad reading from his Bible to us. Now that I am grown, I have my own devotional time. I believe the bedtime routine my parents created for me as a child has become the foundation for my relationship with God as an adult.
Spending time in the Word each day helps you retain more than you realize. My morning and evening times with the Lord have been so beneficial to me. When I spend time reading something encouraging before bedtime, I sleep easier, I’m at peace—and I wake up with a positive attitude ready to start the day!
- Make bedtime engaging
- Make bedtime consistent
- Do bedtime as a family as often as you can
- Don’t rush the good stuff, even if it has been a long day

Hannah Butler
After graduating High School, Hannah launched a wedding and events photography business. She also works with her parents to grow Ability Tree, which comes alongside families impacted by disability & equips the local church to welcome them.
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